Independent tattooing, creative, and intuitive practice aimed toward bridging science and spirit to facilitate healing. Based in so-called New London, CT.


Books open for the following month on or around the 15th of every month.
Flash and available dates are sent out via my mailing list, which you can subscribe to here.
I usually prioritize flash subject matter, which more often than not directly pertains to time, decay, and biochemical/paleontological/cosmological objects and textural phenomena, but I am always open to fielding custom requests.
If you would like more general information on my studio guidelines, pricing, and other protocol please feel free to email me any time and I will gladly send you a sample client intake form containing the necessary info so you can assess if this process is right for you!
Booking email: sevkoresh@gmail.com

I am currently developing my intuitive practice and am offering hour long natal chart readings in which I utilize both the tools of traditional astrological timing techniques and my own intuitive meditations on the archetypal nature of the planets and houses.
In these natal chart readings, the chart is used as a measure of time, indicating events, themes, and archetypal stories that are activated and evolve over the course of one's life. It is my goal to help shine a light on certain potential patterns and pathways which are pertinent to your current experiences- using the intuitive language of the cosmos to validate the energies you are currently encountering to inspire a sense of reassurance that your experiences are perpetually witnessed by an immeasurable pattern of energy of which you yourself are an inextricable part, and which each of us conversely contain within ourselves. Through understanding the ways in which the archetypes of the planets materially and metaphorically appear in our lives, we become better equipped with the tools to heal and accept ourselves as whole, multitudinous beings.
At the moment I consider these readings to be a part of my continuing astrological studies, and I am offering them on a sliding scale basis.
$40 - $75 sliding scale
View booking availability here
"As someone who had never really had their chart read before, I was a bit nervous that what we would go over would be somewhat confusing because I don't necessarily speak the language of astrology. Seven was so kind and well paced for my neophyte brain, and I felt so much careful attention in our session from the interpretation to walking me through what each house indicates. He handled each aspect of my chart like its own round little pearl in a string- I was so enthralled as we went through each segment together and was completely spellbound but also well guided /not lost by his thorough and insightful connections and explanation. It was such a pleasure and I would highly recommend a session to anyone interested in ancient freak shit astrology."
"Seven has a ravenous appetite for astrological esoterica. His enthusiasm is infectious, and Seven really takes you along for the ride. Some specifics: he introduced me to the Sabian symbols, which felt useful to fine-tuning my understanding of the natal chart. Also, reframing Jupiter as the planet of restoration was one of many sparks that blew my little mind. Astrology, at best, offers a subtractive synthesis of a person, starting with the full total range of human experience and whittling it down to the specificity of each moment. Seven is like Spongebob with a block of marble. He took to readings like a duck to water. Run, don't walk, to book your reading today."